Ballad Wrapped Bouquet

Ballad Wrapped Bouquet

Move over iambic pentameter, our Ballad Wrapped Bouquet is ready for the spotlight! Even Longfellow would be swooning over these stunning flowers

Perfect for all those poetic moments in life thanks to our three color palettes:

  • Bright – Bring on the celebrations. May include bright yellows, oranges, hot pink, peach and greenery
  • Pastel – Sweet or romantic. May include pale pinks, light yellow, lavender, peach, white and greenery
  • Earthy – Peaceful and natural.  May include sand tones, burgundy, peach, whites, blush and greenery

Need to schedule a pick-up at our studio? Be sure to leave us a note at checkout with pickup time and use our address for delivery to avoid fees: 3225 W 38th St, Minneapolis 55410

P.S. Please make sure your muse will be in town to receive their stunning bouquet! We text/call them the morning of delivery

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